Parish of the Immaculate Conception, Bicester, Oxfordshire. OX26 7AW.

Welcome to the Parish of the Immaculate Conception Traidcraft Catalogue

Traidcraft things to:

All items are subject to availability. Prices may vary from those shown. This catalogue is for information only. We regret that we are unable to handle mail order for any of the items shown.

Traidcraft is a Christian response to poverty, established in 1979 to fight poverty through trade. By buying these products you can help craft workers and farmers across Africa, Asia and Latin America to build a better future for themselves, for their families and for their communities. As well as goods on the stall you can order additional items through the catalogue, or buy online at Tradecraft For further information, please contact Ann Poole.

"My children, our love is not just to be words or mere talk, but something real and active." 1 John 3: 18.

Where to buy Fairtrade products in Bicester
Aldi logo

Aldi, Launton Road

Tea, coffee, chocolate, bananas
Bicester Avenue logo

Bicester Avenue

Wines and ground coffee
Co-operative logo

Co-operative, Barbery Place, Bassett Avenue, Kingsley Road, Buckingham Road

Granulated and demerea sugar, tea bags, ground and instant coffee including decaffinated, drinking chocolate, chocolates, chocolate bars, cakes, biscuits, brownies, cereal bars, nuts, puddings, ice cream, fruit, museli, fruit juices, 3 fruits marmalade, muffins, cooking sauces, bananas, wines from Argentins, Chile and South Afica
Lidl logo

Lidl, Launton Road

Bananas, instant coffee, tea, choolate, wines, orange juise, choc chip biscuits
Marks & Spencer logo

Marks & Spencer, Sheep Street

Bananas, chocolate, tea, drinking chocolate, chocolate sauce, coffee (ground, instant, filter and decaffinated), granulated and denerara sugar, honey, preserves and conserves, marmalade
Sainsbury logo

Sainsbury, Pioneer Square

Largest selection of Fairtrade goods in Bicester. One pound on every four spent on Fairtrade products in the UK is at a Sainsbry store.
S.H.Jones Wines logo

S. H. Jones, Market Square

Red wine, rosé wine, white wine from South Africa
Tesco logo

Tesco, Pingle Drive, also Tesco Metro and Tesco Express

Oranges, lemons, bananas, tea bags, roast, ground, instant and decaffinated coffee, granulated sugar, jams, ice cream, nuts, cereal bars, chocolate bars.

External link to the Traidcraft website.